List your
Bed and Breakfasts

for Free

It's free to list your property with us.

Once you have registered you can add your property and start taking bookings immediately.

There are no hidden charges or commissions.

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With our free tier subscription, you can list your property, change prices and be returned in search results. When you upgrade, you'll be able to take use more features such as importing bookings from iCal links, adding Extras to bookings, and more.

Free tier
0.00€ (pcm)

  • 1 Published property
  • Take bookings today
  • Set your own prices and availability
  • Receive email notifications of bookings
  • Appear in search results

Pro - 5
20.00€ (pcm)

  • Take payments direct into your Stripe account
  • Add up to 5 published properties
  • Add extras to bookings
  • Import/Export iCal files to synchronise bookings across OTAs
  • Create discount coupons
  • Access the REST API